· By Trevor Horne
Benefits Of Using An Instrument Cassette
Instrument cassettes are widely used across dental clinics in North America. Some dentists choose not to use them and this is usually due to the fact that they don’t understand the benefits that come with using instrument cassettes. These helpful tools are able to hold most of your dental instruments, allowing for easier sterilization, use, and storage.
Here are some reasons why you should consider using instrument cassettes in your dental clinic.
Most of the dental clinics that use instrument cassettes report saving time as they do not have to keep hunting for the right instrument. Since the cassettes also make sterilization faster, it ensures that you are running an efficient practice.
Protects Valuable Instruments
Something else that you need to consider is the fact that most of your top-of-the-range dental instruments come at a high cost. This means that if your dental practice is constantly losing instruments through breakage and loss, the bill eventually begins to run up and affects your bottom line. This is without mentioning the loss of time that may be caused by missing dental instruments. With a dental instrument cassette, these sorts of problems tend to disappear.
Safer Handling
One of the things that you need to ensure at your dental clinic is safety. This means protecting your staff from injury and infections when handling sharp objects. Even if your staff wear medical gloves when handling these instruments, the reality is that many sharp objects can easily perforate rubber gloves, especially the thinner variety. Instrument cassettes add a layer of safety as your staff does not have to handle sharp objects all the time.
Better Outcomes
The ability to run smoother and more efficient exams and procedures mean that you are more likely to achieve better health outcomes for your patients. Time lost while an instrument is being looked for means more bleeding or even more discomfort for the patient. This in turn reflects poorly on your clinic. On the other hand, if you rely on instrument cassettes, you can be sure of efficient instrument changeovers and an overall better perception and experience by the patient.
Why Buy Instrument Cassettes at ProNorth Medical Corporation
ProNorth Medical Corporation is your best bet when it comes to purchasing top-notch medical instruments and supplies. From sutures to instrument cassettes, all our products are approved by regulatory agencies all across North America. This means that you have complete peace of mind that you are working with the best. Given the fact that we stock supplies from different brands, our online shop is a great place to compare prices and features of various brands. This in turn results in more efficient use of your money. The fact that we ship promptly to all areas in North America means that you will never suffer from stockouts again. Shopping on our site is really easy. We have categorized all our products so finding related medical supplies is simple and fast.
Visit our website today for great savings on dental instrument cassettes.